Friday, July 11, 2003


Have you ever wondered what you were on this world for? Was it for love that you were created? Perhaps God had something else in mind.

Have you ever wondered what it is to love? Is it that strange fuzzy warmth or was it the aching within? Perhaps it was just you.

Have you ever wondered what it is to die? Do you feel pain or do you just fall asleep? Perhaps you felt no different from when you were alive.

I didn't smile, nor did I cry because it was all just a dream.

Monday, July 07, 2003

You're the super-slacker!!
What's that? Studying? Not in your vocabulary.
You hardly study and almost never do your work
and yet, by some divine intervention, you're
still surviving. Go, you slacker, you!!

Which Stereotypical Singaporean Student Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

he he. stereotypically fitting.
i like.

Sunday, July 06, 2003


Why do you have to lie to me?

Damned be you. Damned I am already, and I will take you down with me. Don't think that I never say or show it, I do not possess the capacity to be enraged. I hate to be angry. Thats why I never really get pissed off. Because I know that when I do get really pissed off, its not easy to quell the flames with simple lies anymore.

You smirk. You think you can get away with this. You laugh and think, "What an idiot." I'll play along. I'll be your idiot, at least for the moment. But when there's change of a moment, the suffocating haze will creep and encompass you; you will writhe and painfully gasp for the sweet scent of air.

It will come to this if you don't put on your brakes.

And for those who had read the previous entries, I'm sorry, this is how I write. Read it or beat it.

I have practically done nothing today, again, zero, zilch, nothing. Spent the whole day at home, trying to do something, but never really completing it. Ended up stoning, the fiendishly caustic memories plagueing once more. Never should have woken up today.

And its just a wonder how you can tear the fabric of my reality with nothing more than a glint of the corner of my blindspot and my life crumbles into sand dust even though I have numbed myself far enough not to be hurt again. How amazing is that? You didn't even have to stab me to kill me.

Yes, I am powerless to resist what you may bring me, be it satisfaction or devastation. Even in that locket lies a secret that is told, of hope, of dreams, of yearning, of desires. But I do not know what to make of it, for sure I have seen its power, yet, I remain skeptical and cynical to what it can achieve if left alone on its own devices. These concerns, are, however, not without reason.

"In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it." - Oscar Wilde
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